Next Steps
Phase 1: Spring 2022 (Jan-Mar)
Instructional Technology creates resources and resource courses in Canvas to help staff migrate
Introduce Canvas to district leadership teams
Curriculum Coordinators and Coaches begin migrating curriculum courses and content
Integrate existing digital tools into the Canvas LMS
Begin communication campaign for LMS transition, inform staff
Deliver first professional development on Canvas to teachers
Phase 2: Spring 2022 (Mar-May)
Continue communication campaign for LMS transition, inform students and parents
Teachers can take self-paced NISD Canvas 101 course to familiarize themselves with the LMS
Finalize migration of curriculum and professional development courses to Canvas
IT and C&I teams will collaborate to create summer PD options for teachers that utilize Canvas
Phase 3: Summer 2022 (June-July)
Canvas focus added to technology onboarding during new hire training
Remove student access to Moodle and put notice on Moodle that it is no longer the district LMS
Provide professional development opportunities and continue offering self-paced Canvas 101 course
Phase 4: Summer 2022 (July-Aug)
Offer professional development during ENGAGE and new teacher training
Required beginning of year Canvas training for all staff at campuses that includes Canvas requirements
Provide resources for beginning of year activities such as cross-listing courses and using templates
Annual required trainings for all staff delivered in Canvas
Phase 5: Fall 2022
Begin school year with new LMS
Provide Introduction to Canvas resource to students and parents
Canvas focus added to technology proficiency courses for future hires
Moodle will remain accessible during the 2022-2023 school year for teachers to migrate any remaining content